Living Yoga Immersion

"An exploration to embody your practice in everyday life"

- Jill Amison

An in-depth exploration of Living YOUR Yoga for dedicated practitioners.

It is my intention, through this offering, to share tools to deepen the experience of your yoga practice and to support you to live your life in an integrated, meaningful and harmonious way.

Navigate your life in truth

This will be an in depth exploration of Living YOUR Yoga for dedicated practitioners.

Over the course of this immersion we will connect with all aspects of the Yoga Tradition, from the more dense to the most subtle, and use these ancient tools and philosophies to help us learn to navigate our life in truth, authenticity and wholeness. 

This immersion is open to anyone who is committed, wants to dive in deep and use the practices of Yoga to meet you where you are in any given moment.

Join Us >

If any of these statements speak to you, this immersion is for you!

Are YOU...


  • A dedicated practitioner who wishes to take your practice to the next level?
  • Possibly interested in Yoga Teacher Training at some point in your future?
  • Interested in developing a home practice but don't know where to start?
  • Already a yoga teacher but want to refresh your practice with a new approach?
  • Curious to learn how the ancient teachings and philosophy of yoga are relevant to you and modern day living?



  • Keen to explore other aspects of yoga beyond an asana practice?
  • You wish to learn about mantra, mudra, meditation and pranayama but aren't sure how?
  • You feel a 'call' to embody your practice more fully in daily life but need more guidance to 'live' your practice?
  • You wish to develop your asana practice with greater understanding of structural and energetic alignment & be able to construct your own creative and supportive sequences?
  • You want to grow your understanding of the subtle energy body?
  • You would like to integrate the use of Mythology to help you move more easefully through the story of your own life?

    Pre-Register - Click Here >


“True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied.” 

— Aadil Palkhivala, Fire of Love

"I already knew yoga was ‘good for me’ but with this greater insight, I now realise that it can provide ‘nourishment ‘ for not only my physical well being but also my emotional and spiritual welfare.

Thanks again Jill for such an inspiring and life changing course."


"The Immersion was thoroughly enjoyable and I would say more than met my expectations. 

I definitely deepened my knowledge of what it means to integrate yoga into my life in a more significant way."


"We covered quite a range of learning so I felt gained a lot of insight from the course and the subsequent reflection. 

It has made me think more about accepting that yoga is there to enjoy and support me in daily life rather than just a physical practice"


Dates & Location


Common Questions

  • Do I need to attend every session?

    Yes. We will move progressively through the content so it is essential that you are present for each session

  • I definitely don't currently practice 'advanced' asana, can I still apply?

    Yes. This immersion is open to anyone with a sincere desire to learn how the practices of yoga support your life and meet you where you are. In the asana labs we will explore how to uplevel and down grade asana so your practice always is able to offer you what you need.

  • Is this a Yoga Teacher Training program?

    No, but it is an excellent foundation to confirm if the path of a Yoga Teacher is for you. You can use the contact teaching hours as Continual Professional Development hours (36hrs total)

Application & Investment

This immersion will have limited spaces (12 max) and will be an application process.

Investment for the whole immersion is:

Full Price -

Payment Plan -

Please pre reserve your spot on this unique course today

Contact Us

I am really looking forward to welcoming you on this life affirming course.   

If you have any questions, please do message via the attached form.

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