Mentor Program

"A program that provides practical, valuable advice to nourish your growth as a teacher and helps you to flourish and thrive! "

- Jill Amison

I am here to support your development - so you don’t have to figure it out on your own!

This program is based on over 22 years of dedicated study and teaching & draws on my experiences in:

  • Refining my own teaching skills and teaching with an authentic voice 
  • Designing creative classes that provide teaching from a deep connection to root intention, with meaningful themes, messages and stories 
  • Building a successful business, creating a social media profile, cultivating community and leading transformational and profitable workshops, retreats and holidays 
  • Hundreds of hours of therapeutic experience working with Yoga as Therapy 


Receive the support you need to achieve your dreams!

Learn to serve, meet & nurture your students and build your community

Through this program you will align with your heart path to discover your own gifts and treasures. 

From this authentic place you will upgrade your skills as a teacher of yoga, increase your confidence and clarify your visions.

This program will encourage you to further develop your business skills, build and maintain a client base & authentically market your classes and ventures.

This offering is open to any teacher that is passionate to serve, has a sincere desire and dedication to grow.

Join Us >

If any of these statements speak to you, this program is for you...


  • “I’ve finished my teacher training and I’m not sure what to do next”
  • “I’ve just started teaching regularly – I could do with some reassurance and guidance”
  • “I haven’t taught for a while and could do with some encouragement and inspiration”
  • “I’ve been teaching for a while and I’m ready to take it to the next level – but I’m not sure how"
  • "I could use some guidance and support to help me develop my teaching skills”



  • “I’d like to use yoga therapeutically but I’m not sure I know enough, or how to incorporate it into a class or work 1:1” 
  • “I’d really like to offer a workshop/retreat but I don’t know where to start”
  • "I feel apprehensive about assisting my students to help them find optimal structural and energetic alignment"
  • "I don't know how to market my offerings and fill my classes"
  • Pre-register Click Here >


'When we are firmly established in integrity, all riches present themselves freely'.
                                                                  - Patanjali's Yoga Sutra II.37

"Wow! What can I say, Jill is such an amazing soul and beautiful teacher. 

I have been teaching now for 6 years so I was in two minds whether or not to join this program…boy did I make the right decision! 

I’ve have learnt so much and feel refocused and reinvigorated, I have my mojo back thanks to Jill.

Each module of this program was cram packed with content. It is fantastic.

As you would expect, if you know Jill, she holds the group lovingly as she shares her knowledge and wisdom freely with you, nothing is too much trouble and no question goes unanswered. 

I would highly recommend this program to any yoga teacher no matter what your experience level."


Mentor Program

"Jill shares her knowledge, her wisdom and time whole heartedly and with such warmth and humour. A true trail-blazer for The Modern Goddess, Yogi and Lightworker. 

Her teachings resonated as creativity is at the heart of all that she offers. 

The content of this programme is second to none. 

Self belief is magnified from Jill's teachings & doubts jettisoned. 

To lead an authentic yogic path is to remember to step into your own power. Shine your light with conviction, clarity and confidence and take these teachings into your own classes and self practise. 

Clear boundaries and self love are a given. Thank you!"


Mentor Program

"In one word FABULOUS! 

I have been teaching yoga classes for over 20 years and felt stuck - empty of new ideas & inspiration. 

The mentor program has re-ignited my passion for teaching. 

Each session was packed with so much helpful, useful information & resource that I am still taking it all in. I would highly recommend this program to any teacher irrespective of teaching experience.

Jill is truly gifted and teaches from her heart. At all times inspiring, enthusiastic and very patient. Sharing her knowledge with great generosity. Help was always on hand gently coaxing us to find our authentic voice and helping us to build self confidence.




The program will be in 4 modules:

Module 1 - Finding your authentic voice

We will explore your root intention as a teacher of yoga and build on this to find your authentic voice.

Expect lots of interactive exercises that will give you the confidence to step out of your comfort zone & refine your message. 

Module 2 - Delivering your message  

Bring your classes to life and make philosophy accessible for modern day yogis. In this module we will learn how to hold sacred space, plan, sequence and interweave themes integrated with root yogic teachings. We will learn how to tell stories, use poems, myths, seasons, nature and various inspirations to create meaningful and memorable classes.

Module 3 - Creating your brand

Practical valuable content on building your business . Anchored in your intention as a teacher & your unique story we will learn how to organise and structure transformational workshops, retreats and yoga holidays. We will learn how to set up social media campaigns, build client lists & cultivate community.

Module 4 - Yoga as Therapy Whether you are considering training as a Yoga Therapist, wish to set up specialist classes or simply want to offer more support to your students with various ailments, this module will give you the basic tools to work therapeutically.

Join Us >

Dates & Location

Module 1 - Finding your authentic voice  


Module 2 - Delivering your message 


Module 3 - Creating your brand 


Module 4 - Yoga as Therapy & Assists


All modules will take place at IQ Therapies in Alsager.  56 Sandbach Road South, Alsager, ST7 2LP


Included in each Module:


  • A workbook and reading list 
  • Practical homework that relates to the module and helps you to grow as a teacher 
  • Reasonable email support 
  • Private Facebook group where you can share your challenges, queries and successes 


If you feel The Mentor Program is for you, please pre-register today > 

Common Questions

  • Do I need to attend every session?


    Do just one or multiples. Though you do get a discount when booking all four!

  • I have only just completed teacher training can I still join the program?

    Yes. This program is open to all qualified teachers, regardless of their expereince. 

    As a new teacher, this program will help you build the foundations of your business and give you the confidence to shine!

  • Is this a Yoga Teacher Training program?

    No, but it is an excellent addition to help you integrate material that many teacher training programs simply do not offer.

    You can also use the contact teaching hours as Continual Professional Development hours (7hrs per module)

Application & Investment

This program will have limited spaces on each module so that every participant can receive all the support they need (12 max) 

Investment for the program is:

Please pre reserve your spot on this unique course today

Contact Us

I am super excited to help you to flourish & thrive! 

If you have any questions, please do get in touch.

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